Landowner Resources
Did you know that embers can travel over a mile and still cause a fire?
By incorporating ignition-resistant concepts and materials, individuals can help prevent home ignition caused by direct flames, radiant heat, and ember accumulations.
Preparing Your Home for Wildfire
Studies show that home destruction versus home survival during wildfires point to embers (firebrands) and small flames as the main source of home ignition during wildfires. Embers are small burning pieces of debris that can be carried aloft for more than a mile causing spot fires and igniting homes.
It is your responsibility as a homeowner to protect your property. You can help prevent the loss of your home from ember attacks and ground fires by hardening your home with ignition resistant construction and materials. Experiments and post-fire studies have shown homes ignite due to the condition of the Home Ignition Zone (HIZ), which is the home and up to 200 feet around it. See the home ignition diagram below.
For more information on Home Ignition Zones, you can download Living with Fire.
Lessons learned from the Elmo Fire
“Harden Your Home” with Ignition Resistant Construction and Materials
Roof – The roof is the most vulnerable because of its large surface area.
Click below for more information
Beyond the Home Ignition Zone (HIZ)
Once you have established a safe HIZ, it is important to consider vegetative treatments such as Fuel Reduction to further protect your property. Fuel reduction includes removal of dead and dying trees, ladder fuels, as well as spacing of healthy trees. Ladder fuels are vegetation that allows ground fires to move to the tree crowns. Factors that influence treatment may include topography, wind direction, aspect, and vegetation types.
There may be funding available to help offset the cost of Fuel Reduction on your property.
Click on the button below to find out more.
Evacuation Planning – Worst case scenario…
Fire is coming, and you need to evacuate. You may have a day, a few hours, or a few minutes. Whatever the situation is, it’s going to be stressful and we can learn from what others have experienced. It’s nearly impossible to develop a solid plan AND implement that plan in the same moment.
Lincoln County has an emergency notification system known as Code Red. This system notifies you of emergency situations in Lincoln County, but you must be registered. The Code Red system would be used to notify you of any evacuation orders if wildfire is threatening your area. It is important to be registered with Code Red. You can select how you wish to be notified either by phone call, text, or email.
To register click here ——>
Montana Ready, Set, Go - Your personal wildfire action guide.
Click the link below
Fuel Reduction
Before After
Additional Resources
Headwaters Economics – Building a Wildfire-Resistant Home: Codes and Costs (Nov 18)
Wildfire Home Retrofit Guide, University of NV Extension & Living with Fire Tahoe (Jan 2021)
Your Home Can Survive a Wildfire (Jack Cohen, 2015)