Burn Permits
About Burn Permits
Spring and Fall are great times to clear some brush, prune lower limbs from trees, and improve the defensible space around your home.
It’s never too early to start preparing for the next fire season!
Burn permits are FREE in Lincoln County, Montana.
Only one burn permit per burn address location is required each year. For example, if you have 3 separate debris piles on your property, you only need one permit. And, if you burn 3 different days on the same property, you only need one permit. But, if you own 2 separate properties with a debris pile on each, then you will need 2 separate burn permits.
For all burns located outside of the Libby Outdoor Burning Control Area, March 1 through April 30 is Spring open burning season and no burn permit is required. From May 1 through June 30, burn permits are required. To obtain a free burn permit, please click here. If you do not have internet access, please contact your local USFS or DNRC office, or the Lincoln County Health Department at (406) 283-2442 and they will assist you. From October 1 through November 30, Fall open burning season is scheduled and no burn permit is required. For more information, please reference the Seasonal Schedule page or Get a Permit page. To determine if your property is within the Libby Outdoor Burning Control Area please click here.
For all Residential Burning located within the Libby Outdoor Burning Control Area, burning is only allowed from April 1 through April 30. Residential burning during this timeframe requires a free burn permit. Please click here to obtain a free burn permit or contact the Lincoln County Health Department at (406) 283-2442 if you have any questions. For more information please reference the Seasonal Schedule page or Get a Permit page. To determine if your property is within the Libby Outdoor Burning Control Area please click here.
For all Management Burning located within the Libby Air Pollution Control District, burning is only allowed from April 1 through June 30 and October 1 through October 31. Management Burning during this timeframe requires a free burn permit. To obtain a free burn permit for burn locations inside of the Libby Rural Fire District, please contact the Fire Marshall at (406) 283-1883 and for burn locations outside of the Libby Rural Fire District, please contact the Lincoln County Forester at (406) 283-2322. Please click here to review the map to see if your burn location is located inside or outside of the Libby Rural Fire District. Authorization for all Management burns is also required. Please contact the Lincoln County Health Department at (406) 283-2442 to obtain authorization. For more information please reference the Seasonal Schedule page or Get a Permit page.
No Burning will be allowed from July 1 through September 30 due to Montana’s wildfire season. The wildfire season may be extended as conditions warrant.
In addition to a burn permit, you are required by state law to comply with air quality regulations.
For all burns located outside of the Libby Outdoor Burning Control Area, check the ventilation and burning forecast before every burn by calling 1-800-225-6779.
For all burns located within the Libby Outdoor Burning Control Area, check the ventilation and burning forecast before every burn by calling (406) 293-5644.
If you intend to burn, have in place:
A current weather forecast for your burn location
Water source such as a charged hose, buckets, pond, lake, etc.
Fire tools (long-handled shovel, rake, hoe, etc.) or equipment depending on the size of your burn
Enough help to extinguish your fire if unexpected changes in fire behavior occur.
A burn permit if burning during a timeframe or at a location where one is required. Follow the information provided under the “Seasonal Schedule”.
Air Quality compliance
Remember, you are responsible for any and all fire suppression costs if your fire escapes your control!
Montana State Statute 50-63-103. Liability for offender for damages and costs. Except as provided in 50-63-104, a person who sets or leaves a fire that spreads and damages or destroys property of any kind not belonging to the person is liable for all damages caused by the fire, and an owner of property damaged or destroyed by the fire may maintain a civil suit for the purpose of recovering damages. A person who sets or leaves a fire that threatens to spread and damage or destroy property is liable for all costs and expenses incurred, including but not limited to expenses incurred in investigation of the fire and administration of fire suppression, by the state of Montana, by any forestry association, or by any person extinguishing or preventing the spread of the fire.
Lincoln County, Montana burn regulations can be found at: lincolncountymt.us/environmental-health/air-quality